Update: A temporary site has been setup at: http://friendship-bracelets.net.preview.binero.se
This site has been suspended.
I’m sorry to announce it, but this is the case. I’ll do what I can do bring it back up as soon as possible. I can’t control this downtime since the site sits on a remote web hotel.
I am very keen on switching to some other web hotel. For a “big” customer like me, this current one seem to have too many problems and is quite unsafe. They can’t offer a larger account for me either! Anyway – stay connected via !
This is the answer I got from my current web host when I asked for the reason why they suspended me.
Hello Stefan,
Your site was suspended because your site was causing too much load on
the database server. You must fix your script to reduce the database
load and minimize the database queries.
Best Regards
Of course, the database load is proportional to the number of visitors. Which is a very big number. I see no other solution than moving to some other web host. I guess that will be the project for this week and next.
Now I’ve bought some web space at Binero.se, a Swedish web host with good performance of servers and good reputation. Going from One.com to Binero.se will be a HUGE performance increase. As a user, you’ll probably feel the difference right away. This web hotel know know what they are doing – they’ve worked with big customers for ages. I took the smaller account and I think that will fit me just fine 🙂
Now I’m uploading all the old things to the new server. This will take a lot of time but I’ll do it for my users. The site can be reached from a random URL in the beginning, but the domain “friendship-bracelets.net” will point to it when the guys at One.com and the registrars have finished the work I gave them today.
bah! I’m having withdrawls!
I wanted to try making the bracelet buckle last night but the site shut down and I freaked out haha :p
:((( no no no no no… i cant wait…
im so nervous!! im like obsessed with this
WHY? ! I just started this braceletttttt. And now it is in hold. D;
I think being without friendship-bracelets.net is probably worse than being without facebook :p

Uploading thousands and thousands and thousands and *looks at watch* thousands and…. Yeah, I think you get it. I’ve already been sitting here for like three hours. The move to a new webhotel is painful but it will be a lot better when it’s done.
Update: A temporary site has been setup at: http://friendship-bracelets.net.preview.binero.se