If you’ve read the section header you might have guessed I’m sick again. Yay. While not being able to sleep, I tried some random games in the Ubuntu repos. Among them were Wormux, Pydance and Urban Terror.
Wormux, a Worms rip off for Linux, sucked big time. I have nothing more to say.
Pydance is a StepMania-similar dance simulator which is surprisingly adaptive to different kinds of input (dance pads, bongo drums etc), but it also sucked when trying to play it. Are the arrows supposed to lag? Do I have the wrong latency settings on my input? I tried to solve those things, but I left the game without any answer to any of the questions.
Urban Terror. What do you think of when hearing it? Terrorists, police, bombs? Yeah, that’s about it. This is a plain CounterStrike rip-off. I joined some online server games anyway, and I must say that it’s not bad. It may not be CounterStrike, but it’s for sure a good try. In addition to the basic moves in CS, you can do powerslides and wall jumps, which makes things a bit more interesting.
To do: Uninstall all the new games but Urban Terror.
Got a mail from Marina today also. It’s always fun to read her emails. They might be a bit long but they are interesting and mostly positive. Marina is an old friend of mine in the world of friendship bracelets. We’ve helped each other for a long time over the net with different things, mostly things related to copyright of patterns.
Until next time.