2 thoughts on “p2.js progress!”

  1. Hi Mr. Hedman,
    Im having some dificulties to use “p2.js” with the latest “pixi.js”. The “p2.renderer.js” file is a “pixi.js” v1.4.2. I inserted at my code (using the new “pixi.js” 2.2.5) your “(function(p2){var requestAnimFrame…” and “(function(p2){p2.WebGLRenderer = WebGLRenderer;…” blocks from “pixi.js” v1.4.2. The simulation runs but some stuffs are out of place. I was unable to fix this strange behaviour. Can you privede some directions? Thank you so much.

  2. Sorry about the pixi email. Dumb I am.
    Saw you red box pixi example. Thank you.


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