Unfortunately, Friendship-Bracelets.net went down a moment ago. I’m not exactly sure what I did but I’m sure it was me. I overloaded the MySQL server somehow.
I needed a long query for joining a LOT of tables in my new newsfeed implementation. I got an error from MySQL stating that my query was too long. Therefore I was suggested to run this query to enable longer queries.
I tried it locally on my computer and it went okay without any fuss. The error message because of long queries went away. I thought: Yay! and uploaded the new newsfeed app to the site and then POW:
User friendship_brac has already more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
What I learnt today? SQL_BIG_SELECTS shouldn’t be enabled on a One.com site with a lot of traffic.
PLEASE tell me the site will be back up.
I don’t know at the moment, but I’ll do what I can to bring it up as soon as possible.
Good job mainkg it appear easy.
Grade A stuff. I’m unqsuetoinably in your debt.